Affiliation Procedure

Affiliation Procedure

1. Introduction:
a. The Indo Global Human Peace University Virtual Institute welcomes collaborations and affiliations with institutions, organizations, and individuals that align with our mission and values.

2. Eligibility Criteria:
a. Eligible institutions/individuals should demonstrate a commitment to promoting education, research, and peace-building initiatives.
b. Institutions should be recognized by relevant education authorities.
c. Individuals should have relevant qualifications and experience.

3. Expression of Interest:
a. Interested parties must submit a formal Expression of Interest (EOI) to the Indo Global Human Peace University Virtual Institute.
b. The EOI should include information about the institution/individual, their mission, values, and the proposed nature of collaboration.

4. Initial Review:
a. The Indo Global Human Peace University Virtual Institute will conduct an initial review of the EOI to assess compatibility with our goals.
b. A designated committee will evaluate the qualifications and potential contributions of the applying institution/individual.

5. Submission of Documents:
a. Successful applicants from the initial review will be requested to submit additional documents, including legal accreditation, relevant certifications, and a detailed proposal outlining the collaboration's scope and objectives.

6. Agreement Negotiation:
a. The Indo Global Human Peace University Virtual Institute will engage in discussions with the applicant to negotiate terms, responsibilities, and expectations.
b. A formal agreement will be drafted, detailing the terms of the affiliation.

7. Approval Process:
a. The proposed affiliation agreement will be reviewed and approved by the relevant authorities within the Indo Global Human Peace University.

8. Signing of Agreement:
a. Upon approval, both parties will sign the affiliation agreement, solidifying the collaboration.

9. Onboarding:
a. The newly affiliated institution/individual will undergo an onboarding process, including orientation sessions and access to necessary resources and information.

10. Monitoring and Evaluation:
a. The affiliation will be subject to periodic monitoring and evaluation to ensure ongoing compliance with the agreement's terms.

11. Renewal and Termination:
a. Affiliation agreements may be renewed upon mutual consent and successful collaboration.
b. The agreement may be terminated if either party fails to fulfill its obligations or breaches the terms of the affiliation.

12. Contact Information:
a. For inquiries and submission of EOIs, interested parties can contact the Indo Global Human Peace University Virtual Institute at [contact -,].

This Affiliation Procedure serves as a guideline, and specific details may vary based on the particular requirements and policies of the Indo Global Human Peace University Virtual Institute. Interested parties are encouraged to contact the institution for the most accurate and up-to-date information.